These are all the currently available fonts and symbols. Some stamps cannot be used with certain charms due to their size. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions! You can contact me here.
Numbers are not available in all fonts, only where shown. But don't worry! Mixing and matching fonts often looks terrific.
Audrey 2.5mm upper/lower
Nocturne Book 2.5mm upper/lower
Juniper 3mm upper/lower
Arcadia 3mm upper
6.5mm Large Corsiva Uppercase
6mm Large Typewriter Upper/lower 3-4mm
3.5mm Corsiva upper/lower 2-3mm
3.5mm Typewriter upper/lower 2-3mm
3.5mm Comic Sans upper/lower 2-3mm
3mm Circinus upper/ lower 2-3mm/numbers 2.5mm
Handwritten upper 2.5mm
Handwritten lower 1.5-2.5mm/numbers 2mm
Arial uppers 2.5mm/lowers 2-2.5mm/numbers 2.5mm

Zodiac symbols, type 1 and type 2
Design stamps